During rehabilitation, different methods are used to help the body heal itself naturally. Massaging the body can improve circulation, thus enhancing the healing process. The distribution of nutrients and hormones is improved with increased blood flow. Massage increases blood flow in the affected area, which promotes faster healing. Massage can shorten rehabilitation time by 25 percent by increasing circulation.
An injured person often has limited range of motion as a result of pain and stiffness in the affected joint(s). Regardless of the severity of the injury, the injured person develops a greater level of tension in the affected area. People in pain may worry that stretching could worsen their condition. Massage therapists can soothe and strengthen an injured person's muscles and joints, allowing them to regain motion.
In the case of athletes, massage therapy can help prevent future injuries. Massage relaxes the muscles and enhances the body's circulation, thus reducing the chances of future impairment. Because of this, many professional athletes receive massage therapy prior to competition or practice.