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Car accident physiotherapy

Reduce The Impact Of Your Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries. 
However big or small your injuries may be, we are here to help. Whether your injury was today or a few todays ago, our physiotherapists have the skill and experience needed to improve your quality of life.

Injuries From Motor Vehicles Can Crop Up Hours or Days After the Accident.

However big or small your injuries may be, we are here to help.  You might not feel too bad right after it happens but pain and stiffness can start to show up a few hour or days later. 

‍Injuries can vary:

  • Whiplash (neck pain)
  • Concussion
  • Headaches
  • Strains and sprains
  • Fractures (broken bones)

‍It can be an upsetting time to be in a car crash.  We know.  We are human drivers (passengers) too.  And, as professional physiotherapists, we have treated A LOT of motor vehicle and pedestrian injuries.  So, we know how to help you feel better and get back in the driver’s seat – so to speak.

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What Should You Do if You Have Been Injured in a Car Accident?

Once the dust settles after an accident there are often a number of questions people have regarding their injuries. First and foremost, if you are in significant pain or cannot move easily you are advised to go to Emergency or Urgent care for medical assessment. Once you have been cleared for physiotherapy treatment, or if your injuries seemed non-urgent at the time of the accident here are simple steps to follow:

Recent Motor Vehicle Accident

Fill out an AB1 form and submit it to your insurance company within 10 days of the accident. AB1 Form. You may print this out and bring it with you to our office on your first visit. Click here to download the AB1 Form.

Have your injuries assessed by a primary health care practitioner, such as a physiotherapist. No doctor’s referral required.

Physiotherapist will assess your injury, develop and carry out a treatment plan, complete the required forms and submit these to your insurance company.

In most cases we can directly bill the insurance company for the cost of treatments that are within the first 90 days after the accident.

90 Days After Injury

  • Extended health care benefits, if applicable, can be accessed to fund the cost of physiotherapy.
  • In some cases, Section B of your automobile insurance policy may provide funding for extended physiotherapy.

Fractures & More Serious Injuries

  • Your physician will recommend physiotherapy if and when required.
  • Contact your insurance company to fill out required forms

Direct Billing

We offer direct billing service. Please contact our office for more details.